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The Start and What is Rebirth AI?


Rebirth AI started off slowly by building up through multiple different programs through two different classes. In the first class (CSC370) we first learned about LLM's and programs similar to the Chatbots we would be making. Then we started building our own little basic local chatbot. Even though the first program did not look too great, it still was an exciting process! In these we had not delved into creating a personality for the programs just yet. This is what my program looked like by the end of class:

After that class I was incredibly excited to go into the next one (CSC444) and from here we built up again and were taught how to add a little more flavor to our chatbot's GUI. At first, I did not know what I wanted to be my theme, and I played around with a couple different types such as an android/ alien from a distant star, a mermaid from the seven seas. I even thought about doing a pirate, but I ended up scrapping that since it was similarly at sea, like the mermaid theme.

For the final project I chose an immortal female phoenix from ancient China.

The reason I chose this theme was actually based off of some shows that I really enjoy, and I just really love shows based off of ancient China, their folklore, or Xianxia themed. Which lead into the making of and personality of Rebirth AI.

Throughout the building of these I switched between a couple LLM's and decided to use the Bloke's Dolphin 2.6 LLM located on the hugging face website: Here

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